Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wednesday With a Moose

Wednesday the weather was dry and the sun came out occasionally in the afternoon and evening. Many more projects have been completed and others are within a few hours of completion. Charlie has made some major repairs to a Suburban belonging to the camp to get it on the road again. Ken and Denny got the Yamaha 4 wheeler running again. I promptly stole that and have used it several times today. The second gazebo is almost finished. New stairs on the end of the mess hall are in and now Ed and Don are closing in the space below the stairs. The also made some roof repairs on the mess hall. Becca and Nancy have been painting so long they are seeing paint in their sleep. They have painted bed frames, new window trimming, and picnic tables. Ed and Don built a bunch of new bed frames. Many of the guys have installed new doors in numerous cabins. Debbie has tended the fire and rescued some bird houses and is taking lots of great pictures of the projects and the wildlife. The amphitheater has been refurbished. New windows and trim were installed in the recreation building. The playhouse dutch door has been fixed. A couple camp computers have been fixed. Cedar siding has been power washed. Recreation areas in the woods have been cleaned up. Piles of miscellaneous stuff left behind by camp renters has been cleaned up. And today several of us spent the better part of the day splitting fire wood to fill the wood shed in preparation for the next Alaskan winter. There are only two more work days left and it looks like when we are through, we will have checked off most of the to do list and many things that were not even thought of on the original to do list. 

This evening after supper several guys went fishing as usual, and the rest of us took a drive to Palmer to visit a reindeer farm. So this evening we got to see reindeer, elk, a bison, and a bull moose named Denali. Most of the group feed the reindeer by hand and the moose mouth to mouth. The moose feeding was especially entertaining. Check out the pictures below.
Don fastening down the new treads on the staircase he and Ed built.

Lester cutting pieces for the gazebo

Charlie working on the gazebo roof

Becca and Nancy painting the new trim on new windows in the rec room.

Ed and Don working on closing in the new staircase leading to the mess hall.

Ken and Denny working on the Yamaha.

Chuck and Terry discussing projects in the tool room.

Tim running the log splitter by the wood shed.

Beds built by Don and Ed, painted by Becca and Nancy.

Derek putting shingle caps on the 12x12 gazebo.

Debbie tending the perpetual bonfire.

Dinner in the mess hall tonight.

Sunshine begging at the mess hall door and blocking Don's exit

Tim teaching a young camp worker how to power nap after lunch.

Jan feeding an elk.

Mary feeding elk as Becca takes her picture.

Reindeer stampede when they see us coming to feed them.

Connie feeding reindeer.


Connie feeding Denali a banana.

Becca feeding Denali a carrot

Debbie feeding Denali a carrot.

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