Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thursday in Big Lake

Fully repaired amphitheater
Thursday was a beautiful mostly sunny day with a high near 70. Today was probably the best weather we have experienced so far on the trip. Several projects were finished up this morning. Both gazebo's are complete. The amphitheater is fully repaired. The new stair case is done. Many cottage doors were replaced. Large windows were replaced. Many bed frames were built and all old and new bed frames have been painted. The Suburban runs, as does the Yamaha Rhino (my favorite toy). Large areas around the camp have been cleaned up and organized. Computers have been repaired. The woodshed is full of split wood for winter. And countless other projects, like disassembling large fans to store for winter, have been completed since we started working last Wednesday.

With the work here almost done, many of us went into Anchorage today to see native Alaskan art and do some shopping. Others worked around the camp this morning doing things like replacing the caulking in the showers. In the afternoon most of the guys who did not go shopping, went fishing. I understand Don was successful in catching two trout in the lake tonight. And I saw the two trout Lester and Charlie brought back from their fishing excursion in a nearby river this evening.

We will be back at work at the campground Monday, but from Friday morning through Sunday evening we will be on an excursion to Denali. We will take the train north from Wasilla to Denali tomorrow some 200 miles into the mountains where Mt. McKinley lives and we will come back to camp by bus Sunday evening.
One of many new doors installed by our team

Charlie and Lester with their catches of the day

The smaller gazebo completed

The larger gazebo completed

Fury creatures staring down at us at the Alaskan Fur Exchange today

New staircase on the end of the mess hall

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